Thursday, May 27, 2010

My Head is full of water

I haven't had a full night's sleep in I don't know long. I might also add that I am not a lady who functions well with under 8 hours of sleep. Needless to say, I've been quite off kilter lately. The other night I sat down to pay off a bill (online) and ended up overpaying by $400! I emptied my checking account in the process. YIKES. I nearly cried. Of course it was late at night and the recorded customer service greeting told me to call again during normal business hours. You better believe I did.

Anyway... last night I prayed that I would 1) fall asleep and stay asleep for the entire evening and 2) wake up happy. I had a difficult time falling asleep but I slept for 6.5 hours. Though it's not my full 8 hours I'm still pleased! Also, I didn't feel immediately happy upon waking but who ever does?

It was 75 degrees when I left my apartment this morning. The humidity was palpable. I walked the slowest I've ever walked to get to the metro. Every day this week I've been dripping sweat before I even get on the train. UGH. I hate sweating. I was determined to beat the drip today. I DID! On the train I listened to some K$ which got me pumped. All in all, it's been a good morning so far. Let's hope the rest of the day continues in the same fashion.

KE$HA - Boots and Boys


  1. holy crap woman!!! you paid overpaid by $400?! craziness! well i hope you got that all figured out. have a good weekend! rest up and relex. btw my jacket is from zara.

  2. i did get it straightened out, thanks! super cute jacket. thanks for the tip!
